Everyone has a story to tell. A history. A personal journey. A heirloom collection of family recipes, handed down through generations. WWII diaries, telling of bravery and sacrifice that shouldn't be forgotten. Travel souvenirs from a once in a lifetime trip to foreign lands.  These days, most of these fabulous stories and histories are scattered, held on phones or laptops, or in dusty boxes of letters and photos in attics. 

Custom keepsakes

Keepsake Projects

Move your photos and memories off your devices and into your life!

Photo Albums | Family Histories
Recipe Books | Immigration Stories Holiday Memories | Family Memories Graduation Gifts | Wedding albums Anniversary Presents | old diaries Engagement gifts | Company Stories travel diaries | adoption profiles retirement gifts | Storytelling

"One day I'll sort
through grandma's diary"

"I'd love to see all
these photos in a book,
but I don't know how"

"I'm creating a travel
diary, but I just don't
have the time!"

"One day I'll sort through grandma's diary"
"I'd love to see all these photos in a book, but I don't know how"
"I'm creating a travel diary but I just don't have the time!"

Let me preserve your special moments and memories, by creating beautiful keepsakes in custom made coffee table books you can enjoy year round. 

Custom Books, Selected Portfolio